Thursday, July 28, 2011


So here it is... Forgive me followers for I have sinned: I haven't worked out since I logged on to brag about my wonderful fit test results, two weeks ago. Im embarrassed to admit it, but at least thus far all my followers are IRL friends who already know I've been a lazy bum. Im not losing weight, surprise surprise there. Im eating all kinds of horrible things and baking like a madwoman. I've made peanut butter brownie bites and play dough cookies in the last few days.

It's time for a new set of progress pics. I'm a little worried they aren't going to be progressing in the right direction, though. Look out for those a little later on. You have been warned, you don't have to look if you don't wanna. I know I don't.

Time to get re-motivated...again. I've recently discovered* and I made a special board just for what I am calling Fitspiration. Maybe if I look at it and find new pins for it frequently then I can maintain my momentum instead of this start and stop crap. We also recently switched from Tivo to a regular TimeWarner dvr. I am not thrilled with this change, except for OnDemand. Not only can I catch up on my shows and watch movies, but they have a channel devoted to exercise!! I'm going to try it out for my evening workout tonight. It dawned on me that perhaps I was a little ambitious trying to dive into fitness by doing Insanity. I'm not giving up on it, but I think maybe I need to work my way up to that.

I'm not sure, maybe I am just making excuses, but I'm trying not to be an all or nothing loser. As it stands, either I am all in: working out hard and watching my intake and water or I am all out: bingeing on fatty carbs and firmly planted in my favorite corner of the sofa. I need a middle of the road, I need to find the balance to keep going. So, new approach for the moment: slightly less challenging workout regime and more healthful foods and water.

"The greatest battle is not physical but psychological. The demons telling us to give up when we push ourselves to the limit can never be silenced for good.They must always be answered by the quiet, the steady dignity that simply refuses to give in. Courage. We all suffer. Keep going." -Graeme Fife

*Let me know if you would like to join Pininterest! Send me an email or leave a comment with your email address and I'll get that invite out asap!

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