Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I love summer, but I didn't realize how much I loved our air conditioner until it died. I am aware that some parts of the country are already experiencing the first horrible tendrils of winter. The first cold (instead of just cool) nights and mornings. The yearly rearranging of the closets to make space for larger sweaters and jackets and thick pants and boots instead of my beloved summer dresses and flip flops and capris and tank tops and tan lines. I always miss summer when it's gone, but this year I might miss it a little less. Well, that's probably going too far, I think this year the transition might be easier because it is so miserably hot in my home right now. Our magic AC man is supposed to come this weekend and install our brand-spankin'-spiffy-new-freon unit. I don't know how I am going to make it that long. I shouldn't complain, he is doing it at a HUGELY discounted rate and I appreciate that he is saving us thousands of dollars. Really, I do. It's just that it's almost 100(!) outside, this is south Texas after all. And it's been out since this last weekend. And it's only Tuesday. I guess I should be especially thankful that is is late September and not early August when we were in a ridiculously long drought and the heat index was above 110 for weeks. We are stocked up on ice cream sandwiches and Popsicles. I need a sun tea pitcher, though. It's too hot to even consider using the stove or the oven so far. I know I'll actually have to cook for my family eventually, thus far we have been living on takeout and sandwiches. Thanks to my mom and all our wonderful friends who have offered us a cool place to hang out while we get this taken care of!